


“All the Spaces” revolves around Gale, an optimistic, intelligent, charismatic boy who dreams of one day fulfilling his lifelong goal of walking on the moon, despite his Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Now, Gale is more than his dream or his disability, he is a normal high schooler with his own victories, problems, and relationships. The main people in his life are: his lovable, sometimes over-protective mom, Renee, a quirky, well-meaning, Astronomy teacher, Mr. Man, his cool, childhood friend now football star, Bryce, and his artistic, bold, best friend (and dream girl), Tara. “All The Spaces” is a story about optimism, purpose, and legacy told through a 2 act show with 20+ tracks in the genre of pop, musical theater, R&B, and folk.  

Concept Album

Core Songs

Original Demos


Ultimately, I will have links to the EP when it is fully released, but for now, I wanted to create a landing page for what we have as of 2024.

Walking on the Moon

Girl Like You

A World Without You

Look At Me


Mizzou On Broadway

Summer Rep


Zoom Performance

Song Selection

Barding School


I’ve never been trained in piano or any instrument, but there for a bit I had to get more comfortable with music generating software like MuseScore and Finale. I played around with MuseScore and made these tune below. One of them is featured in gameplay for my InSight Capstone and others are songs I made for friends for fun.